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How Social Media Can Improve Your Business

Social media in the right hands can be a powerful marketing tool. It offers the ability to directly connect with your customers through hyper-focused ads, compelling content, and real conversation and interaction. In the design world there are several platforms that are extremely useful to you, your business, and your clients.


At over two billion users, Facebook is by far the largest social media platform in the world. In fact, you are probably already aware of it, and most likely have at least a personal account. Personal pages are great for connecting with your family and friends. However, a business page has no limit to the number of followers that you can have and offers many more tools and insights into your page’s performance. The advertising aspect is also currently underpriced. As well, the multifaceted approach to the type of media you can post and share is unlike any other platform.


This almost solely visual platform is owned by Facebook (META). It is also possibly the best avenue for creative and trade-based professionals to promote and share their work. As the average person continues to be exposed to more content everyday, Instagram and visual sharing have become increasingly popular due to users being able to consume more information in a shorter time. While still photography can be engaging, algorithms today favour posts that “stop thumbs.” Keep in mind that the average person will scroll through approximately 300 feet worth of news feed per day. You get about 3-4 inches to get someone to stop for longer than a half second. Therefore, short videos are the best way to have your audience spend time on your content by controlling the conversation.


For lengthier videos such as tutorials and long form interviews, YouTube is the ideal place to reach your target audience. Most people clicking through the Google-owned platform are looking to watch videos between three and 30 minutes. So while getting to the point is crucial, the chance to expand on ideas and create a series of related content is not only welcome, but recommended within this powerful tool. When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for YouTube videos, well constructed and relevant video descriptions and tags will help to boost your content to the top of the search results on the world’s second largest search engine.


Pinterest is the perfect place for both homeowners and designers to draw inspiration from images that complement a desired look. You can discover new products and home solutions and organize everything without having to become a scrapbooking legend. Point and click your way to collections of design ideas created for you, by you, that you can share with friends.


As mainstream media like TV and radio continue to collapse, openings for more raw and candid content are appearing everyday. A podcast gives you a chance to reach your audience with straightforward discussions about your industry during times that visual content is not necessarily an option. Morning commutes, while doing household chores, and during workouts are just a few of the times of the day that people are choosing to opt out of listening to music to embrace the ability to learn while being entertained.

Stand-up comedian, UFC commentator, and former game show host, Joe Rogan, currently hosts the number 1 podcast in 96 countries and the largest on Spotify. His setup is very basic – just him, an audio tech, and his guest(s) – and the format is equally simple. He invites intriguing guests for interviews and open conversations. This format is the easiest way for you to create content. It also allows access to a variety of new ideas and places you as a thought leader in your industry.

Becoming A Social Media Thought Leader

A strong social media presence is not just about making sales. While selling your product or service is extremely important, social media marketing is about opening up a conversation. It's about attracting the attention of your target audience. What better way to do so than becoming a thought leader in your industry? People flock to content by those that they believe to be an honest and intellectual authority on a certain subject. This approach creates value and makes you, your content, and your business top-of-mind when someone is considering a new project.

Engagement on Social Media is Important

Now that you’ve got your accounts set up and you're pushing out great content, customer engagement is the finishing touch on social media marketing. Comments and shares are highly effective metrics for determining whether or not your content is speaking to your audience. It also means that they are spending more time on your posts or page, something that the algorithms tend to favour, and respond by showing more of your content to those who engage.

Engagement doesn’t just stop there. Social users love when they comment on a post and actually get a reply, even if it’s a simple thank you. Your gratitude for your followers goes a long way in retaining their loyalty and remaining top-of-mind when it comes to topics relevant to your business.

Social Media Influencers

Using the influence of others to tap into their followings/communities isn’t just for newbies. Many of the most famous social media personalities work together to bring value to one another’s overall presence.

You can hire an influencer to show up to an event where many of their adoring fans may already be, or to attract those fans that wouldn’t attend otherwise. Having an influencer as a guest on a podcast, or even posting a quick selfie could be enough to gain a few extra followers and engagement. Social media takeovers are also a great way to quickly increase your following by temporarily allowing a trustworthy influencer to post content directly to your page. If you embrace the power of social media and the communities within, you too could be the next big influencer in your industry.

To increase your social media knowledge and how to utilize it as an effective marketing tool there are many free resources available with a quick Google or YouTube search. Learn and implement as much new information as you can, and in time you will see your followings and sales grow.

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