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Salice Smove - Light Weight


Introduced for the first time by Salice in 1998, Smove is the special device used to soften the closing action of any furniture door, thus decreasing the noise produced by its closing.

Product Description

The Smove D005 recessed damper is suitable for light weight applications.

To install, insert Smove D005 into the cabinet side opposite the hinges. For an optimal performance, position the Smove D005 in the centre of the side panel. This damper is best suited for doors from 450 mm to 600 mm width.

For wood-based and aluminum-framed doors over 1600 mm height, it may be necessary to use two Smove, one to be inserted into
the upper part and the second into the lower part of the cabinet side opposite the hinges.

Product Advantages

  • Insert Smove into the cabinet side opposite the hinges.
  • For an optimal performance, we suggest that Smove is positioned at the centre of the side panel.
  • It is suggested for doors from 450 mm to 600 mm width.
  • For wood-based and alu-framed doors over 1600 mm height, it may be necessary to use two Smove, one to be inserted into the upper part and the second into the lower part of the cabinet side opposite the hinges.

Product Diagrams

Product Specifications
Closing Type Soft-Close
Force Light Weight
Material Plastic
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