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The Importance of Accurate Project Deadlines

Forecasting a deadline for finishing a project is incredibly important to anyone that does contracted work. Even more important is the ability to actually hit projected deadlines. And greater still, is surpassing a client's expectations in both craftsmanship and timeliness. After all, your client doesn’t want to live in a job site for any longer than necessary.

When forecasting a deadline, an unethical or inexperienced business owner will not only promise the world, but that they will deliver it tomorrow. Unfortunately, that doesn’t take into consideration any issues that may come up. Suppliers run out of stock or make late deliveries. Tardy or absent employees can seriously slow your production schedule. As well, the inevitable hidden issues like poor electrical or plumbing also have the tendency to appear at inopportune times. It also sets up clients for disappointment and a diminishing level of trust for tradespeople and contractors.

You don't have to worry about that when planning your project.

Fortunately, you are an ethical business operator. You tend to allow for more time due to the possibility of arising issues. Considering the inconvenience to your client is always on your mind. You also do the right thing by being realistic about timelines and quality of craftsmanship. While this may dissuade the odd prospective client if they don’t understand what goes into a project like theirs, most reasonable people appreciate honesty and will hold you to your promises. You are also likely to avoid any money collection issues as they will feel compelled to uphold their end of the deal and pay in a timely manner.

There is no secret to being successful in business. However, the more you do to be an ethical business owner/operator, keep your promises, and output high-quality products and services, the more likely you are to be a success.

Remember the golden rule. Speed, Quality, Low Cost. Your clients can only choose two of the three.

Business Tip: Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Booking multiple jobs to do simultaneously can increase revenue, but if deadlines aren’t being met, this strategy is likely to be much shorter term than you’d like.
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