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Salice Pacta Covers


Set of two covers for the Salice Pacta opening system

Product Description

Pacta is a compact hinge for fall flaps which operates without the need for additional stays or cables. In the fully-open position, the door and base panel are aligned, creating a uniform and flat surface. Pacta comes in a variety of finishes. Its applications are numerous: in living room and kitchen cabinets, to create desks in children’s furniture or for writing surfaces and table extensions in hotel furniture.

Product Advantages

  • Hinge for flap doors with decelerated opening.
  • Fixing to the base of the cabinet with longitudinal snap-on mounting plate.
  • For wooden doors, with heights from 280 to 400mm and weight between 1.5 to 9.5kg.
  • Standard drilling of the door ø 35mm with 13mm deep cup.
  • Pefect 90° opening.
  • Fixed K/TAB value of 4.5mm.
  • Side, front and vertical door adjustment.
  • Required to use central hinge for cabinets over 900mm wide.
  • Covers available in numerous finishes.

Important Information

 We suggest that you use the central hinge for cabinets over 900 mm width.

Product Specifications
Application Type Fall Flap Door
Salice Pacta Product Overview
Salice Pacta, the compact hinge for fall flaps
How to install Salice Pacta
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